WHAT IS BEGINNINGS?Foundationally, Beginnings is a pregnancy resource center. We offer compassionate support, a non-judgmental listening ear, and we share information about pregnancy options. We empower women facing unexpected pregnancies and we provide free services, evidence-based information, and practical support to women, men, and families. No matter what circumstances bring a client through our door, we give each of them the care and attention they need, and with a holistic and compassionate approach, we help equip them to make informed decisions for themselves and their future.
DOES BEGINNINGS PERFORM ABORTIONS?Beginnings does not perform abortions, nor do we refer for abortion services. Along with compassion, truth, and hope, we offer our clients pregnancy options education. If they’re seeking an abortion, it's important that they know the facts about it and the ways that it could impact their lives. We offer life-affirming alternatives to abortion and compassionate support, and we don’t benefit financially or otherwise from a client’s decision.
WHAT SERVICES DOES BEGINNINGS OFFER?Beginnings is a place for women and men, and we offer help in more than just unplanned pregnancy situations. All services are free and confidential, and include pregnancy tests, limited OB ultrasounds, options education and pregnancy decision coaching, pregnancy and parenting classes, maternity and baby items, men’s support services, post abortion support, STD testing and treatment, healthy relationship classes, and sexual risk avoidance education.
WHY DOES BEGINNINGS OFFER STD TESTING AND SEXUAL RISK AVOIDANCE EDUCATION?Please don't be misled, by offering these services we are not promoting sexual activity to our clients. The reality is that there are many people who are in need of these services, and when they come to Beginnings, it presents us with a great educational opportunity. Our sexual risk avoidance education allows us to share with our clients about how they can make decisions that are best for them physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually, and it presents them with the truth that the only “safe sex” is inside of a committed marriage relationship.
IS BEGINNINGS A CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION?Yes. At Beginnings we know that it is only through the saving and redeeming power of Jesus Christ that lives are genuinely rescued and changed. As we show the love of God to our clients, they are given the opportunity to hear the Gospel, and through permission-based care, we are able to pray with most clients who walk through our door.
IS BEGINNINGS A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION?Yes, Beginnings is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the state of Nebraska. While our services are 100% free to our clients, there are still financial responsibilities that need to be met in order to serve them. We are supported through the donations of generous individuals, businesses, churches, and organizations in our community, and all gifts are tax-deductible.
Giving Options
We are a 501-c3 faith-based non-profit in the state of Nebraska. The majority of our funding comes from the financial partnerships of individuals, churches, and businesses in our community. Your gift goes to helping women and couples learn the truth about their options, empowering them to choose life for their children.
100% of donations are tax-deductible. Would you consider a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter?
Most of our support comes from caring individuals, our local churches, area businesses and organizations. We have several fundraising events and opportunities each year including our annual banquet. Contact us to learn more.
Throughout the year, friends of the ministry can organize events like baby showers for our parenting clients, speaking events, and Baby Bottle Campaigns. It is our goal to have a Baby Bottle Campaign going in a different church or organization from Mother's Day to Father's Day each year.
In-Kind Donations
We are always in need of the following items for our Baby Boutique:
Diapers (sizes newborn to size 6 and pull-ups) we especially need sizes 5,6
Wipes (sensitive skin)
Formula (unexpired formula and baby food)
New baby bottles
Baby clothes - NB to 5T (new and gently used)
Postage Stamps
Walmart & Staples gift cards
High chairs and other equipment
New baby bottles, pacifiers, thermometers, bibs and other small baby supplies
Baby clothes - NB to 5T (new and gently used)
New car seats (we cannot take used)
Walmart or Visa gift cards
Contact us for drop-off times or if you would like to arrange a baby shower with your church, business, or small group.
Additional Ways to Support Us
Volunteering is a great way to serve! We are always grateful to receive help from those who are passionate about our ministry. We have various volunteer opportunities available, and we’d love to match you with one that fits your comfort level and talents. We’d love to chat with you to discuss your interest in volunteering.
The community events that we host and participate in require a generous amount of help in order to be successful. These events include the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in O’Neill, our spring Baby Bottle Fundraiser, and our annual fundraising banquet. If you’re interested in assisting with any of these events, just give us a call!
Matthew 21:22 says “and whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” At Beginnings, everything we do begins with prayer. We know we serve a loving God that cares so deeply about our ministry and the clients that we serve. Your prayers can truly help save and change lives in our community.
Quick Links
Get in Touch
415 East John Street
O’Neill, NE 68763
(402) 336-4343
We are both thankful and excited that you’ve found the Friends of Beginnings page! If you’re new here, this is a place where you can not only find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Beginnings, but you can also learn about how YOU can be a part of this life-saving ministry!
If you’re already part of the Friends of Beginnings family, please know that we are SO grateful for you and that we’ve done our best to make this page as convenient as possible for you to continue your support. Whether it’s praying, volunteering, or exploring giving options, we invite you to look around and we pray that you are inspired!